The SALBL saw a chance for Lawn Bowls to have a higher profile in South Australia by having a dedicated radio show promoting just Lawn Bowls. Negotiations took place over a 4 month period and Adelaide’s Community Radio Station Coast FM 88.7 was delighted to have a 13 week trial to see how the show would be received. The show was to be called “On the Green”. This photo shows the first 3 announcers in the studio during the first show on Sunday 5th October 2008. From left to right: Bruce Wallace, Kane Coulls and Lachlan Wilson.
On the Green was very well received and the decision was made for it to become a regular segment from September through to April on Sunday mornings between 8.00 am and 9.00 am. The show provided up to date information about anything bowls mainly in the Adelaide Metropolitan area but also from around the State and around the country. This included Mens and Womens Pennant results, Taylor Bowls Super Challenge results, State Championship results, National Championship results and regular guest phone interviews with State Champions and Bowls dignitaries from around Australia
At the conclusion of the 2016-17 season “On the Green” will have celebrated 228 shows. A great
deal of time goes into the preparation of each show. Photo on left shows Bruce Wallace who
operates the studio panel, 2nd photo shows the other regular hosts from left, Stuart Forbes,
Sandy Wallace, Ashley Halls, Roy Palmer, and Bruce Wallace.
Radio Show Archives
All the “On the Green” Radio Shows have been archived in the one location. Click on the link below to be taken to that location. Because they are audio files please be patient as they may take a little bit of time to load.
On The Green files