To be held on

The membership of the South Australian lawn Bowlers’ League are invited to a Special General
Meeting to consider and vote on the following resolution:

Special Resolution
That the South Australian Lawn Bowlers’ League Inc be wound up in the manner provided by the Act,
 That surplus funds and assets be transferred to Bowls SA Inc for the purpose of continuing
the objects and purposes of the association and
 That the Chair and Public Officer are delegated with the authority to undertake all necessary
tasks to wind up the association and
 That (bank accounts) be closed upon the above being undertaken

Ashley Halls

Following this Special General Meeting on the 9th October 2022 it was decided by the Members to Wind up the SALBL and all associated tasks and move the running of the competition to Bowls SA, with the assistance of the current Board Members to help with the transition. The Competition will remain the same, but will now run under a new name called Bowls SA Club Superchallenge

The Resolution reads:

Special Resolution

That the South Australian Lawn Bowlers’ League Inc be wound up in the manner provided by the Act, and:

  • That surplus funds and assets be transferred to Bowls SA Inc for the purpose of continuing the objects and purposes of the association and
  • That the Chair and Public Officer are delegated with the authority to undertake all necessary tasks to wind up the association and
  • That (bank accounts) be closed upon the above being undertaken

As you all know, cancellation of last year’s season was an unsatisfactory outcome for all of us. My committee was faced with a difficult decision in the light of a number of factors, including a very important one that our public liability insurer was bailing out and would have left committee members exposed to any legal action.

What has become clear is that in the current environment it is far more difficult to effectively operate outside the umbrella of the State’s peak body.  I thank both Mike Porter (President MBA) and Taryn Sexton (CEO Bowls SA) for offering support for continuation of the Super Challenge competition.  In fact, it was Taryn who suggested exploring a model which would see our committee operating as a sub-committee of Bowls SA.

The advantages of such a model are:

  • Greater reach with marketing of the competition under the Bowls SA brand.  The competition may also be extended out to country regions at some point
  • The competition would become an integral part of the Bowls SA calendar
  • More structured organisation of the competition (less reliance on one person)
  • The use of Bowlslink as a method of listing teams and results
  • The potential for finals to be live streamed
  • The possibility of greater alignment of rules sets with the MBA and other competitions
  • From an SALBL committee perspective, it resolves our public liability insurance issue

From the view of players and clubs, there would be little difference in how the competition would operate. Clubs would receive invoices from Bowls SA, rather than our committee.  On the subject of finances, the surplus being transferred from the SALBL accounts would be quarantined and only used for expenses relating to the competition.

Our committee was unanimous yesterday in supporting this move as the best way forward to a bigger and better competition.  I hope you can see the merits of this and attend the meeting to support the resolution.

If you do have questions, I am happy to address them at any time.

In the meantime, watch out for further information relating to this year’s competition.


Ash Halls